På hotell äter du pannkaka med nutella till frukost. Det är sen gammalt.

Gör du det däremot hemma så är du ett psykfall.

De här pesto & gräddfil får en väldigt stark 4 av 5 🤤🤤🤤🤤🥴

“Kodar” eller “wordpressar” vidare på fruns yoga-sida yogisen.se och lyssnar musik för att hamna i zonen. Då kommer den här gamla dängan upp. Mumma!

Tillbaka till kontoret för massor av attesterar på tidrapportering. Det river vi av med genom att lyssna på denna mix

Studsmattan åkte upp sista dagen innan hemfärd till stan igen. Våren är officiellt här.

🍿 Såg dokumentären Miraklet i Gullspång (https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_gullspang_miracle) igår. Två systrar från Norge stöter på sig möta sin avlidna syster när de ska köpa lägenhet i Gullspång. Vad hände!? Berg och dalbana från start till slut. Det enda som berövade mig lite var slutet. 👍👍👍👍➕

Inside på Nintendo Switch

Nyligen spelade jag igenom Inside på min Nintendo Switch. Jag lyckades köpa spelet med rabatt, vilket sänkte priset till ungefär 50 kr.

Trots att jag inte är någon inbiten gamer, kan vissa spel verkligen fånga mitt intresse, och Inside är definitivt ett sådant spel. Det är lagom utmanande och tog mig mindre än tre timmar att spela igenom. Spelet är väldigt linjärt men har tillräckligt med kluriga pussel för att hålla mig kvar från början till slut.

Sammanfattningsvis ger jag Inside en stark 4 av 5.

Introducing My Teams Weather Bot: Masterfully Terrible Forecasts

I developed a unique weather bot for Teams designed to present weather updates in an unconventional manner. This bot collects data from SMHI (the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute), processes it through OpenAI with instructions to creatively interpret the forecast, and incorporates playful banter.

The “bot” was created using Power Automate.

Here’s an overview of the flow:

Weather Bot Flow

Sample Outputs

Weather Bot Output 1

“Look at you, a real boring lump of flesh who needs to hear about the weather to even grasp that there’s a world outside your little bubble of unintelligence. Right now, it’s 1.4 degrees, wow, that’s so freaking exciting, isn’t it? Partly clear, maybe you should get yourself a partly clear mind instead of being completely confused all the time, you intellectual loophole. The wind is blowing lightly, just like your pathetic attempt to be relevant. And the humidity at 81%, just like your head that’s filled with empty, damp thoughts. You’re so ridiculously predictable that not even the weather can match your narrow-minded, single-track mind.”

Weather Bot Output 2

“So, you’re wondering about the weather, you pathetic little worm? Variable cloudiness and a laughable temperature of 2.9 degrees. I hope you freeze your ass off out there, you wretched fool. The wind is blowing at a speed of 1.4 meters per second, and the humidity is as high as your mother on a Saturday night. Have a damn good time out there, you sad creation.”

🍿 Went to see Dune: Part Two. It delivered exactly as the first one did—outstanding, 5+ stars.

Since the movie runs for 2 hours and 46 minutes, an app for planning eventual bathroom breaks is well needed. I highly recommend Runpee for this purpose.

Browser Odyssey

Am I alone in my browser indecision? From a dedicated Chrome user (a return: unlikely), my journey has been extensive. Brave offered an aggressive approach to blocking cookies and ads, leading to its own set of issues. Firefox seemed slow, especially on Google’s turf like YouTube, nudging me back to Brave, then to Vivaldi — appealing yet painfully slow. Now, I’m exploring a Firefox fork, Floorp. Let’s see how this ride goes.

Any fellow wanderers in the quest for the perfect browser?

Finished reading: Kontorsninja by Lars Berge 📚

A humorous novel follows a middle manager who vanishes by covertly residing in the office storeroom. He survives by pilfering lunch boxes from the office fridge and sipping from the vending machine nightly.

Had some trouble creating my NIP05 name for Nostr, but then I discovered this helpful website which sorted everything out. It seems to work great! You can now find me on Nostr at iris.to/npub1cl45g9sauwuvma6fc4w8k0cqzzqkvza80l6sqtxgxtntw7xpmzkq88ul9v.

I’ve been feeling too drained to post lately but am slowly regaining my strength.

Today, I began a thorough digital cleanup, transferring many bookmarks from my browser toolbar (synced to my Brave account) to my self-hosted Linkding.

Lets max out this winter. Rainy as hell, but it works

Link party #008

I am currently listening to this and enjoying it

On a scale from 1 to 10, how much of a cyborg are you? 🤖 I have two chip implants, but I just use one of them to enter my gym. 💪

Finished reading: Artemis by Andy Weir 📚 ★★★★☆

Link party #007

Fresh links #006 🌐